Web Development Projects!

Web Development has taken up a small portion of my time in the GIMM program. Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as two different JS frame works such as Node.js and D3.js and a little bit of MySQL. I have a total of two projects completed working with these three programing languages. Right now, I am working on a CRUD API were the user can add data to an existing database.

Each project demonstrates my skill set with web development as well as my creative ability when it comes to design.

AWS Alexa Application!

The AWS Alexa Application is one of the hardest web applications I have worked on. The reason it was difficult is because there are a lot of moving parts that need to communicate in order for the project to work properly.

It required the use of an AWS EC2 instance as well as four Alexa Intents. This would all be connected to a server host by the EC2 instance. A website was then used to display a table showing what Intents were used at the date and time they were called. Unfortunaly, the server does not fetch the data constantly, therefore the data is not always showing. Restarting the server fixes the problem but for a short period of time.

I learned how to use AWS, program an Alexa Skill, and how to connect the two services togther and display it on a website.

Here is a link to the website showcasing the project:

Alexa Discord Application Website

CRUD API Mobile Website!

The CRUD API Mobile Website was about using form elements to insert data into a MySQL database. I chose to do my project on video games. How it works is the user fills out a variety of questions. This inlcudes the title of the game, what genre, how many hours they have played it, what platform they play the game on, and whether or not they used a specific client such as Steam or Ubisoft Connect.

I learned how to use MySQL statements by using SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. I used an API in order to connect everything to the database and to the server.

Here is a video showcasing the project:

WordPress Portfolio Website!

I created a WordPress portfilo website in GIMM 300. In that class, I created two portfilo websites, this website along with a WordPress site. It is very similier to this website, however I am still very proud of what I created. I learned a new skill, how to use plugins, and pages for WordPress.

Here is a link to the website:

WordPress Website!

Mobile Form Website!

The Mobile Form Website caused me to struggle a lot, however, using my ability to problem solve efficiently, I was able to solve a multitude of issues. This website is focused primarily on the backend portion of the site using Node.js and express validator. Node.js to run the server and express validator to validate data inputted by the user.

I enjoyed this project quite a bit as it deepened my understanding of backend development using Node.js and express validator. One of the portions of the project I struggled with was storing data in an array on the server. Figuring out what information needs to be in the array for that data to be displayed properly on the client was a real struggle. Fortunately, I was able to find the solution and finish the website.

If you would like to look over the code for this project, it wil be avaiable upon request. Here is a quick video showcasing the project:

Mobile Narraitve Website!

The Mobile Narrative Website is one of my favorite projects I have created. It is a website focused on telling a story by using data and visualizations. I chose to create a website on the Los Angeles Dodgers and their stats from 2021 to 1971.

I learned a multitude of different skills while working on this project. These include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, D3.js and MySQL databases using phpMyAdmin. I was also introduced to responsive web design in this project.

If you would like to look over the code for this project, it wil be avaiable upon request. Here is a quick video showcasing the project: