Unity Projects!

Unity has taken up most of my time while attending Boise State. As mentioned previously, I have worked extensively with the Unity Game Engine. Ranging from 2D, 3D, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality projects. Working with the engine, I have learned a multitude of different skills necessary for the industry.

Each project brings something valuable to my skill set and these are some of the best projects I have worked on while attending Boise State.

Merry Mini Christmas!

A group of friends and I decided to participate in a Christmas game jam. The theme was obviously Christmas, however there were certain items that needed to be included in the game such as an anvil. Our game was about delivering presents to a specific location by solving a riddle.

Here is a link to the GitHub repo and a demo of the project:

Merry Mini Christmas GitHub Repo!

Gravity Gauntlet!

Gravity Gauntlet is an arcade style racing game. It supports two player split screen. The idea of Gravity Gauntlet is to allow players to swap their own gravity. Players can race on a lower and upper track while dodging obstacle. There is also an AI which acts as a third player.

Here is a link to the GitHub repo and a demo of the project:

Gravity Gauntlet GitHub Repo!

Senior VR Game!

This project is my senior VR game. The game is about building a house in VR to make it more customizable for people who want to build their own house. This project took place over a span of about seven different classes, each designed to make improvments to the game.

Here is a link to a GitHub repo with the Unity File and a demo reel for the project:

VR Game GitHub Repo!

Quantum Entanglement: For Dummies by Dummies!

In GIMM 250 we were tasked with creating a Comic Strip explaining a very obscure topic. The topic my group was given was Quantum Entanglement. Instead of a comic strip, we decided to take a different approach by focusing more on gameplay to explain the various ideas related to Quantum Entanglement. A combination of puzzles and voice overs were used to create this project.

Here is a link to the GitHub repo and a demo of the project:

Comic Strip GitHub Repo!


In GIMM 110 we were given an assignment to create an AR mini-game in a group. This project had multiple phases where we came up with an idea for our game, drafted a working prototype to highlight gameplay, and lastly a polished version. Unfortunately, we were unable to add everything to the game that we wanted, due to time constraints. Therefore, we decided to not include certain characters. However, we still had a core gameplay loop, which functioned well with AR.

Here is a quick video explaining the project to the fullest:


The first project I created in GIMM 110 was a 2D platformer. I did everything for this game including programming as well as some artwork. For this game I was tasked with creating a platformer, shooter, or a tower defense game. Each of these had their own base stub which I then had to expand upon. I chose the platformer because it is one of the genres of video games that I enjoyed playing as a kid. We also had to make five changes to the stub game. These could be a variety of different changes however, my professor decided to describe them as "physics changes".

Here is a ink to a Google Drive with all of the files related to this game:

Individual Game Google Drive!