IUPAC Project: Overview

The goal of the IUPAC Project was to develope a website template for the IUPAC Systems Thinking Project by the end of April 2023. IUPAC stands for the Internatioal Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Basically, they are a globle organization that studies chemsistry. They approached Professor Jack Polifka to create a website in whith they could use in order to help chemistry professors and teachers, teach chemistry better.

Professor Polifka, who is apart of the GIMM program, asked the class for volunteers to work on the project. I and two of my peers, Gamma Gamel and Rebecca Novis, were selected to work on this project alongside Professor Polifka. Our goal was to create a template website in which the IUPAC could use for their new website.

Template Creation

Our underlying goal was to create a template design for what we thought the website should include and look like. Each of us made our own design in which the members of IUPAC who were working along side us could review and decided which elements they liked. We took inspiration from websites they supplied to us and ones we created in the past. These websites included:

Template Designs

The four of us created very different templates. Each one had their own color scheme, layouts, and design. Upon sending off each of the designs to our colleagus, they reviewed them and decided which one they wanted to use.

The feedback they gave us was that they wanted to use the design of template two (my design), the filter page from template three (Rebecca Novis), and the sub navigation page from template one (Gamma Gamel). Here are the links to the three designs as they are an interactive mockup created using Adobe XD:

UX Testing: Website Navigation

Our goal for the UX testing for the website navigation was for others to decided for us. We thought it would be best to ask teachers, university professors, as well as friends and family who were working with chemistry. We performed a card sort with about 2-4 people each. We handed each participent note cards with subjects related to Systems Thinking in Chemistry. Participent then arranged the cards in any order they liked and some added their own note cards to the pile. Here are a few results from testing:

UX Testing

UX Testing

UX Testing